Passion and healthcare, Passion in healthcare

Long Term Care and Retirement Communities Conference Two of the themes of Together We Care, the conference on the future of Long Term Care and Retirement Communities: Passion in health, and passion for health. Keynote, Paul Alofs is the CEO of one of the top 5 Cancer...

Allow Natural Death

Dying, death and the evasive language we use Euphemisms for dying and death abound. But what about the words used when telling someone – anyone – that death is near (‘near’ being a relative term). You’re dying may be the hardest words – right up there with ‘I’m sorry’...

Funerals: rites, rituals and traditions

We’ve been sending off our loved (or not so loved) ones since the beginning of time. While our End is always the same (dead is dead, however the end may have come) the rites, rituals and traditions take on as many different forms as there are cultures. Long-standing...