BestEndings Resources
There’s so much to think about and to consider when making end of life health wishes. It can be confusing and overwhelming.
If a ‘starter’ conversation help is needed, schedule a Virtual Coaching session for End of Life Planning. Watch a short video for more details. ⇒
Here are tools and video resources you may find useful.
The A to Z Inventory of Decision Aids is designed to help you find a decision aid to meet your needs. It contains up-to-date and available decision aids
This is a place to learn about your physical and mental health and how they go together.
Plan your life span
This website will help you plan for health events such as hospitalizations, falls, and memory loss that may happen as people get older.
1. Managing Pain: :12 minutes 2. Overcoming Depression: 12 minutes 3. Medication Safety: 7 minutes 4. Eating and Aging: 4 minutes 5. Talking about dying: 5-part series, 5 minutes each 6. 10-second MedSchool: 5 videos 15 seconds each