Medical Terminology
Every health condition comes with its own language, medical terminology and decision options. End of Life is no different. While CPR and DNR may be familiar to many, that doesn’t mean they are understood as intended.
New ‘terms’ such as Allow Natural Death or AND and Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking or VSED have been created to add to options to consider. Understanding the words and terms used is one thing. Being able to act on them is another.
Dr Michael Gordon: geriatrician and humanist
Dr Michael Gordon on playing music together, information vs knowledge and sex. Dr Michael Gordon, Geriatrician (amongst other things) What a wonderful wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Michael Gordon, Geriatrician, Writer, and Ethicist. Not necessarily in that order....
The ABC’s of AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is not an Implantable Cardiac Device (ICD) You may have seen them in sports clubs, bars and public transit locations. Unlike an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator), which have been known to keep a person alive even as...
Passion and healthcare, Passion in healthcare
Long Term Care and Retirement Communities Conference Two of the themes of Together We Care, the conference on the future of Long Term Care and Retirement Communities: Passion in health, and passion for health. Keynote, Paul Alofs is the CEO of one of the top 5 Cancer...
Astronaut, Chris Hadfield: Does Outer Space hold the key to Aging Research?
Long Term Care and Retirement Communities Conference: Together We Care Canadian Astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield, showed his chops as a stand-up comedian at the Together We Care: Long Term Care and Retirement Communities Conference. “There is no bad situation that...