by KathyKastner | Jul 27, 2013 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions
There’s an explosion of home care needs coming. “With so many wanting to die at home, we need to know what to do as a healthcare team to support that journey through end of life and beyond: the family goes on although the patient is absent in a physical sense.” ...
by KathyKastner | Apr 17, 2013 | Blog, Kathy Kastner, Videos
Exit Laughing: my 12-minute TEDxYorkU talk (Woot!) This TEDtalk is an Ode to End of Life tweeters. I wanted a slide chock full of the tweeps I learn from, admire and look to for their hearts, minds, spirit and sense of humour. Alas this was not to...
by KathyKastner | Feb 19, 2013 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions
3 questions about Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Dr Paul Dorian As always, before launching into questions, I explain my sense about the topic, CPR, to. Dr Paul Dorian “I think we ‘real people’ have neither the information nor the context to make...
by KathyKastner | Jan 12, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, Kathy Kastner
Comments from BestEndings readers I so appreciate knowing what my readers think! I applaud your frame of mind now and urge you to embrace your quest. As a. 58 yo woman whose mom died about 18 months ago, I wish she had had the courage to plan more. She’d always...
by KathyKastner | Oct 5, 2012 | Blog, Featured, Inspiration, Medical Decisions, Personal Stories, Quality of Life
Dignity Conserving Care asks at life’s end: ‘What do I need to know about you as a person to give you the best care possible?’ To give an answer as a person, rather than as a health condition is a focus-changer for providers and for patients alike. As a patient –...