To Tombstone or not to Tombstone

To Tombstone or not to Tombstone

  I don’t know where my parents are buried. I was at both their burials, in different graveyards. I don’t remember where. Nor do their graves have headstones. Many find this weird, even off-putting. I don’t miss having a grave or headstone to commemorate.I don’t...
Live in memory, Live in love

Live in memory, Live in love

This is Sam, my father-in-law.  He’s going into his 103 year, and is still smiling. Yet every night,  his last words before falling asleep: God, please let me die He’s not suffering in any major way: the swollen ankles and chronically congested chest...
Men writing about The End of Life

Men writing about The End of Life

Men writing from the inside out about life’s end. In the picture in The New Yorker, sitting with his dog, on a bench by a park, Roger Angell, looked none of his 93 years. Famous for his sports writing, ‘This Old Man’ is Angell’s reflection on life,...