by KathyKastner | Jul 27, 2018 | Blog, Kathy Kastner
Dr Daphna Grossman wants to set the record straight “In healthcare it seems we talk about ‘doing everything’ or ‘doing nothing’. With Palliative care ‘nothing’ is not an option. Certainly there are standards and recommendations and then there’s the Art of Treatment:...
by KathyKastner | Jun 21, 2018 | Blog, Medical Decisions
‘If you don’t give her antibiotics, she’ll go toxic and die.” Although my 96 year old aunt (pictured at left, between me and my cousin – her daughter) had no symptoms of a bladder infection, a urine test resulting from cloudy pee revealed she indeed had a...
by KathyKastner | Jun 16, 2018 | Blog, Information
What if what you want until you die can’t be done exactly as you imagined? Consider it an opportunity for creative thinking. No ocean in sight? Make an ocean sounds playlist Ocean pictures: on the wall or on a digital photo album Video the beach and ocean, make a...
by KathyKastner | May 29, 2018 | Blog, Kathy Kastner
Medically Assisted Dying When medical assistance in dying – MAID (also referred to as Medically Assisted Dying – MAD and Physician Assisted Dying – PAD ) was just a twinkle in eye in most of North America, I began my layman’s journey into learning...
by KathyKastner | May 7, 2018 | Blog
Best Mattress and Sleep Positions for Elders Guest post: Sarah Cummings, The Sleep Advisor We need less sleep as we get older. Everyone knows that right? Wrong! Completely and utterly wrong. The myth that the need to sleep drops as we advance in years is one of those...