Medical Terminology
Every health condition comes with its own language, medical terminology and decision options. End of Life is no different. While CPR and DNR may be familiar to many, that doesn’t mean they are understood as intended.
New ‘terms’ such as Allow Natural Death or AND and Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking or VSED have been created to add to options to consider. Understanding the words and terms used is one thing. Being able to act on them is another.
The procedure to cut a hole through the front of your neck and into your windpipe (trachea). More info:
Ventilator (Vent, Breathing Machine)
A machine that helps you breathe. Used during surgery temporarily. However, if are not able to breathe on your own, you may need a ventilator for the rest of your life. Also called: Mechanical Ventilator, Respirator. More info:
Everyone has a story
The Conversation Project
Do Not Resuscitate poem
Do Not Resuscitate_poem.:a doctor agonizes over a son’s inability to ‘let go’ – knowing that CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation can do more harm than good.