Medical Terminology
Every health condition comes with its own language, medical terminology and decision options. End of Life is no different. While CPR and DNR may be familiar to many, that doesn’t mean they are understood as intended.
New ‘terms’ such as Allow Natural Death or AND and Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking or VSED have been created to add to options to consider. Understanding the words and terms used is one thing. Being able to act on them is another.
BestEndings Chat: end-of-life discussion video’d
Inaugural BestEndings Chat topic: Why is it so hard to talk about dying. Insights, Revelations. Confessions and Spirited Debate amongst 6 friends from diverse backgrounds. Together, we represented Hindu, Athiest, Christian, North American Catholic, Mexican...
End of Life in Long Term Care: Personal Support Workers
Personal Support Workers (PSWs) Rock and Rule Anyone who’s needed practical help with daily living when in a health situation knows that it’s not the doctor or nurse you turn to or rely on. Whether at home, or in a health facility, the day to day care delivery falls...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in elderly: low survival
Study of In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in the Elderly : Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) evolved from a specific intervention applied in limited clinical situations to the default response to cardiac arrest in or out of the hospital, an evolution...
When does ‘no’ mean ‘no’ in health decisions
Medical decisions: why does saying ‘no’ mean you need a psychiatric consult? That’s what seems to happen if someone – anyone – decides they don’t want any more medical interventions. Take this story of a 70-year old woman – still vigorous and enjoying life: “After her...