Inaugural BestEndings Chat topic: Why is it so hard to talk about dying.


Insights, Revelations. Confessions and Spirited Debate amongst 6 friends from diverse backgrounds. Together, we represented Hindu, Athiest, Christian, North American Catholic, Mexican Catholic and Muslim.

Left to right: Mike, Sudhir, Ruth, Kathy, Colleen, Gina, Majid

Mike Houlahan, Healthcare Executive; Sudhir and Ruth Handa, Businessman, Colleen Young, plain language writer and founder of Canada’s national tweet chat for healthcare and social media: #hcsmca, Gina Camacho Ibarra and Majid web developers, BestEndings.

The video will be uploaded soon, but in advance – a taste of what’s to come
(funny bits saved for the video)

Mike: I’m involved in healthcare, I’m engaged with BestEndings and still – when my father had a health scare, I was too scared to talk to him.

Sudhir: I guess because of my upbringing, I am not afraid of dying – I just want to be fully prepared.

Ruth: I don’t think you can say any one religion offers more comfort than another.

Gina: In Mexico, we celebrate death: we visit our relatives and have Day of the Dead.

Majid: I love talking to you every day: it’s a great opportunity to talk about living – that’s really what you’re talking about.

Colleen: So often, when someone is ‘going’ you want to do something. My mother’s given me something to do in the event she can’t speak: she’s asked me to read to her. I feel very comforted by that.


Sudhir and Ruth

