Culture, Traditions and Being Remembered
There are as many end of life rituals as their are cultures. Each intended to ease through the dying process and to help those left behind to move on, while celebrating a life lived, and honouring memories.
For some memories are triggered by a treasured momento: a piece of jewellery, a hand-knitted blanket. For many, it’s photographs, special occasion cards, scrapbooks. For some, it’s a project worked on together for a shared experience to remember: creating a puzzle together or – using available technology – iphone video conversation. Virtual experiences offer more options: a Facebook memorial page, a shared photo library.
Funerals: rites, rituals and traditions
We’ve been sending off our loved (or not so loved) ones since the beginning of time. While our End is always the same (dead is dead, however the end may have come) the rites, rituals and traditions take on as many different forms as there are cultures. Long-standing...
Veteran’s Story: Palliative Care adds 6 years of life
Veteran Jim Cooper came to Palliative Care to die. Instead, he got 6 years of life. For many, Palliative Care is a scary term: it equals dying and death. Few who feel this way would think of admitting themselves to a Palliative Care Program. But that's just...
Health 2.0 Interview with Dr Pat Salber @docweighsin
Silicon Valley : Health 2.0 October 1, 2013 ..Presentation after presentation of apps and technology-based devices designed to help manage health. I aim to be there next year with BestEndings Mobile App. Even with out a tech solution to dazzle, I was interviewed...
MedicineX at Stanford U: all the elements of reality tv
Life with several chronic health conditions For 3 days, I was surrounded by remarkable people whose litany of health issues and coping techniques had all the ingredients of a successful tv series: Courage, drama, humour, pathos, ethos, mystery, adventure, tragedy,...