Medical Terminology
Every health condition comes with its own language, medical terminology and decision options. End of Life is no different. While CPR and DNR may be familiar to many, that doesn’t mean they are understood as intended.
New ‘terms’ such as Allow Natural Death or AND and Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking or VSED have been created to add to options to consider. Understanding the words and terms used is one thing. Being able to act on them is another.
Pain as a Cause of Agitated Delirium
"Can't you do something about her pain?" An 85-year-old woman with multiple medical problems, including dementia, coronary artery disease, renal insufficiency, and peripheral vascular disease, was admitted to our hospital with urosepsis. Her hospital course was...
Quality of Life Better with Less Care at the End
The study focused on patients dying of cancer, but results apply across all chronic illnesses: a multicenter study suggests patients have a better quality of life towards the end if aggressive, life-prolonging measures are avoided and if they are able to die at home....
Comfort Care
Provide and adjust pain medication: addiction is not a worry Treat shortness of breath : oxygen, medication Treat agitation: medications or other treatment (massage, acupuncture) Treat anxiety: medications or other treatment (massage, acupuncture, music) Position for...
May be used for temporary or permanent loss of kidney function Dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, but it is important to recognize that dialysis also has limitations. It may not be of benefit to prolong life with dialysis if quality of life suffers dramatically....