cultureCulture, Traditions and Being Remembered

There are as many end of life rituals as their are cultures. Each intended to ease through the dying process and to help those left behind to move on, while celebrating a life lived, and honouring memories.

For some memories are triggered by a treasured momento: a piece of jewellery, a hand-knitted blanket. For many, it’s photographs, special occasion cards, scrapbooks. For some, it’s a project worked on together for a shared experience to remember: creating a puzzle together or – using available technology – iphone video conversation.  Virtual experiences offer more options: a Facebook memorial page,  a shared photo library.

As we age, do we become too thin-skinned?

In a word: Yep. Our skin thins and gets dry Thin, dry skin often gets itchy. And that can lead to a mess of problems. Hence, the expression: thin-skinned. Perhaps not as talked about as the other issues of aging, but should be – considering how much skin we have. Dr...

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Alzheimer’s Caregiver, Daughter-in-law

Tina's story of Alzheimer's: love and understanding I was fortunate enough to walk through a journey of Alzheimer’s by my father-in-law’s side. Together we mastered the mysteries, the fears and the utter atrocity that the disease brings and we also discovered a deep...

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Create your own Advance Directives Plan

We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms


Paulo Coehlo