by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Medical Decisions
PEG or Percutaneous endoscopic gastric feeding tubes, long assumed to help bed-bound dementia patients stave off or overcome bed sores/pressure ulcers, may instead make the wounds more likely to develop or not improve, according to a study. “We see a...
by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions, Research
Surrogates suffer in their role as patients’ decision-makers “A Systematic review: the effect on surrogates of making treatment decisions for others”– published in the Annals of Internal Medicine – was the topic of discussion on Pallimed: A Hospice...
by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions, Quality of Life, Research
“Can’t you do something about her pain?” An 85-year-old woman with multiple medical problems, including dementia, coronary artery disease, renal insufficiency, and peripheral vascular disease, was admitted to our hospital with urosepsis. Her hospital...
by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions
The study focused on patients dying of cancer, but results apply across all chronic illnesses: a multicenter study suggests patients have a better quality of life towards the end if aggressive, life-prolonging measures are avoided and if they are able to die at home....
by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Information, Medical Decisions
Provide and adjust pain medication: addiction is not a worry Treat shortness of breath : oxygen, medication Treat agitation: medications or other treatment (massage, acupuncture) Treat anxiety: medications or other treatment (massage, acupuncture, music) Position for...
by KathyKastner | Jan 26, 2015 | Blog, Glossary, Information, Medical Decisions
May be used for temporary or permanent loss of kidney function Dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, but it is important to recognize that dialysis also has limitations. It may not be of benefit to prolong life with dialysis if quality of life suffers dramatically....