Culture, Traditions and Being Remembered
There are as many end of life rituals as their are cultures. Each intended to ease through the dying process and to help those left behind to move on, while celebrating a life lived, and honouring memories.
For some memories are triggered by a treasured momento: a piece of jewellery, a hand-knitted blanket. For many, it’s photographs, special occasion cards, scrapbooks. For some, it’s a project worked on together for a shared experience to remember: creating a puzzle together or – using available technology – iphone video conversation. Virtual experiences offer more options: a Facebook memorial page, a shared photo library.
Do Not Resuscitate poem
Do Not Resuscitate_poem.:a doctor agonizes over a son’s inability to ‘let go’ – knowing that CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation can do more harm than good.
Let my mother go
Let my mother go: a son’s story. Check out how healthcare professionals pretty much refuse to say the words: your mother’s dying.
Lizzy Miles
Lizzy Miles – a thanatologist (one who studies death !) shares her story: Negotiating with God
Feeding Tubes
Feeding Tubes